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Business Consultation


& Refund Policy

Business Policy:


Operating Hours:

Our restaurants operate on varying timelines according to their locations. Please refer to the specific restaurant's page on our website for detailed operating hours.

Restaurant Formats:

We have diverse restaurant formats, ranging from Casual Dine restaurants with extensive menus and varied service formats to Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) with self-service and simpler menus. Each format offers different services and menu items exclusive to its format.


Prices of products vary depending on the city, location, and format of the restaurant. Similar products across different locations might have varying prices due to these factors.


While some offers apply to all restaurants, others are specific to certain locations and cannot be redeemed elsewhere. Expired offers cannot be claimed. Offers cannot be combined, and online delivery offers may differ from in-restaurant offers. Bao Story Foods Pvt Ltd reserves the final rights regarding all offers.



Refund Policy:


Dine-In Orders:

Refund requests for dine-in orders must be communicated immediately to the restaurant staff. No refunds will be entertained after billing.

Takeaway Orders:

For takeaway orders, refunds will be considered within 30 minutes after food delivery.

Refund Decisions:

Bao Story Foods Pvt Ltd reserves the final rights regarding refund-related actions. All decisions regarding refunds rest with the company.

Online Delivery Apps:

Issues related to online delivery apps must be initially communicated to the app's support team. Refund claims must be processed through their platform. Further assistance can be sought by contacting us directly.

Card Vs Cash refunds:

While cash refunds can be issued immediately, however online and card refunds take their own time to get processed depending upon the payment gateways and specific servers they go through, kindly check the bank policies accordingly.

Takeaway Orders via Website:

Payments for takeaway orders placed on our website must be settled at the restaurant using various payment options available.

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